Asad Umar, who is the secretary of PTI, said in his statement that Imran Khan knows everything about who is threatening him and at the same time we want permission to use Imran Khan’s helicopter. Can be dropped off at the parade ground.
He also said that former Prime Minister Imran Khan has ordered everyone to reach Rawalpindi on November 26, and hopefully you will see many people there. We have also requested this court to parade the helicopter. Allow landing in Grand.
Speaking to the media, Asad Umar said that Imran Khan has many security threats, but despite this, the court administration is not implementing the request of Imran Khan’s helicopter to land in the parade ground, nor have they yet.
No decision has been taken, but we still hope that the Islamabad High Court will decide in our favor on this petition.
In this regard, Islamabad Chief Justice Amir Farooq talked to Imran Khan’s lawyers and told them that you want us to give an order which we cannot give and also tell you that the provision of helicopter services should be done by someone. The work of the court is also not done.