The PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood met “Imran Khan” after his Release on June 6 and bitterness arose between them due to many things and Shah Mehmood went to Karachi to meet his wife as she was ill for a few days.
A close friend of Qureshi from Multan told him that Shah Mehmood Qureshi asked Imran Khan to temporarily withdraw and go to another country because the situation is very bad. He also said that if you don’t want to go out. So keep quiet for some time so that we can settle more matters and when everything is fine then you can take over PTI again because now we are facing difficulties and we should act wisely.
Important sources revealed that during the meeting between the two, a bitter exchange took place and harsh sentences were used by both.
Let us tell you that PTI Supporters belonging to the Constituency of Multan from which Qureshi was elected as Member of National Assembly are still in jails.
In this meeting “PTI Vice Chairman” also said that Khan Sahib Retired People are fallacious you and they can never help you after which Khan got angry.
After this meeting, he did not Speak to any Media and LEFT Zaman Park for Karachi and when he was contacted to affirm the matter, all his NUMBERS were Switched off.
However, after this meeting, Imran Khan released a VIDEO message in which he said that these oppressors have Registered many CASES opposed to me or ten thousand people have been put in jails.
He added that I will fight as long as I live and I am going to Islamabad on Thursday June 8 and I have no fear that they will catch me again.