A very knowledgeable person has made it clear that King Charles prediction is related to the date of his coronation.

King Charles could face difficulties as it is fueled by crazy energy with an astrologer predicting that there will be a new king in 2023.
Talking to Express with her, the astrologer made many predictions about the royal life.
Kabbalists said that Charles had a prophecy connected with his coronation, which took place on May 6.
Also, he said that there will be a lunar eclipse which will prove to be a crazy energy.
He further said that even in Mercury retrograde he chose it which indicates that many problems will arise, and many cases will be disturbed.
Don’t know why, but they are not using their brain right now, using anything in Mercury retrograde could be the worst, and they may have to give up the coronation.
Let us tell you that King Charles is also a Scorpio because his sign is reversed from the sun sign, and he may face many physical and emotional challenges.