The oil deal between Pakistan and Russia is still being discussed and an agreement to purchase cheap oil from Pakistan and Russia is expected in March.

Important sources have revealed that Pakistan, which is signing an oil contract with Russia, will be paid through China, while Pakistan can also use Chinese currency to give money to Russia.
Reports suggest that the agreement has not been finalized yet, however, Pakistan is an unusual destination for Russian business as no trade relations between Russia and Pakistan have been publicized for a long time.
Important sources said that China has asked Pakistan to establish a relationship with Russia and Pakistan has not only demanded oil from Russia but also hopes for weapons and gas.
Pakistan Initiative Director Aziz Younis said that America has made it clear that Pakistan is a country that is strategically special.
Aziz Younis said that Washington would normally carry out its strategic initiatives in a different way.
Director at US ITP Tamana Salikuddin said that the oil deal between Russia and Pakistan cannot affect any other countries.