A famous Bollywood actress whose name is Parineeti Chopra is going to get engaged to Raghu Chadha who is a politician on 13th May i.e. today in Delhi and some details have come out.
According to Indian media, their engagement ceremony will be held at Kapurthala House, Connaught Palace in Delhi and will be attended by more than 150 guests including relatives and friends.
Also, it is learned that Parineeti’s cousin who is Priyanka Chopra was spotted at the Delhi airport in the morning and is said to have come to Delhi to attend her cousin’s engagement.
Their engagement ceremony will begin at 5 pm.
The event will feature a number of high-end foods that will complement the event.
It has been revealed by leading sources that Parineeti Chopra’s engagement will include traditional Indian food and vegan food as well as special kebabs that will be specially prepared for the guests.
Let it be clear to you that Raghav is an AAP leader and has studied together with Parineeti at the London School of Economics.