Recently, Priyanka Chopra disclosed her Favorite RED CARPET ensemble of the year, acknowledging that the dress she donned for the Rome Premiere of Citadel made her feel “feminine.”
The @ACTRESS said in an interview with People that the gorgeous green Valentino ensemble “encompassed anything she was feeling in that each one.”
The globally renowned artist, who frequently captured attention with her striking fashion ensembles, showered compliments on the dress she wore in April 2023 under a Feathered Robe.
That seemed to capture Everything I was experiencing at the time. The GOWN was lovely, FEMININE, flowy, or cozy. I did the “EYE MAKEUP” for SOPHIA LOREN, the woman continued.
Priyanka, who is wed to Nick Jonas, went into further detail about her daily outfit routine and disclosed that getting ready takes her just ten minutes.
The actress from Quantico remarked, “I Can Take Literally ten MINUTES to Get Out of the Door.” “I can be Ready in ten Minutes if I know I’m not standing in FRONT of a Camera.”
The Malti Marie’s mother admitted that She Doesn’t prefer “Glamour at house,” since she has to Get willing for work every other day.
“I’ll Find 2 separate businesses that I like, I’ll choose which one I want, or then my HAIR OR Makeup are determined by whatever the OUTFIT is,” she said, describing her Morning Routine.