A famous Bollywood actress named Rani Mukerji said that her 5-Month Pregnancy was lost.
Let us tell you that RANI MUKERJI Attended the “Indian Film Festival Melbourne” Event where she talked about her career and also talked about her past life.
She said that her 5-Month PREGNANCY was lost due to covid-19, after which she was very depressed.
In addition, she said that she did not tell About her engagement During the PROMOTION of her new movie Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway because People thought that she was doing all this for the promotion of the Movie.
She further said that she Got Pregnant for the second time in 2020 but unfortunately the child could not be born but 10 days after the miscarriage the producer of the film contacted her and told her the story of the film which is about her mental state. It was very close.
Let us tell you that the Movie Mrs. Chatterjee Vs Norway was Released in March 2023 and this movie is Based on the BOOK Journey of Mother which is a true Story.
In the movie, mother fights for the extradition of her children who are stranded in Norway.
Let us clarify that Rani Mukherjee got married in 2014 or her husband is Indian filmmaker ADITYA CHOPRA or a year after their marriage, their Daughter was Born.