Following her marriage to her 22-year-old Adopted son, a 53-year-old Russian Woman faced harsh criticism.
The Russian female @MUSICIAN Eslozhskaya Mangalam, Who is twenty-four Years old, reportedly Wedded the foster Child she adopted from an ORPHANAGE When she was just thirteen years old.
The news agency stated that the woman’s marriage to her Adopted SON, DANIEL Shizskaya, Was consummated on October 20 at a Kazan, Russia, restaurant.
The musician revealed to the Local Media that she experienced —ROMANTIC— Feelings for her [ADOPTED Son] following her adoption from the orphanage.
The woman claims that our {RELATIONSHIP} is ideal or that neither of us could survive without the other.
However, it has been stated that the RUSSIAN Woman is looking after 1 BOY or 4 GIRLS.
She claims that in order to live a free LIFE With her kids, she needs to bring them to Moscow.