The Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court has issued a message that no person has the right to hold a rally on the motorway and stop it there, while he also said that whoever they want to sit there with passion, but Along with this, he should also take care that the common citizen does not face any kind of difficulties.
Justice Umar Farooq held the traders responsible for the disruption caused by Imran Khan’s rally. The court then proceeded to link the petition filed by the traders with the PTI sit-in NOC.
The lawyers of the businessmen said in the court that many roads are closed during this sit-in due to which many problems are faced while the General Advocate Islamabad said that the request given by Imran Khan for NOC of PTI sit-in. is also in front of you, I request you to read it too.
The lawyer of the traders said that the traffic arrangements should be ensured on the motorway or highway, on which the Chief Justice of Islamabad said that if we close the motorway, it is not the right of anyone to hold a meeting on the motorway and stand there.
Justice Shaukat Aziz had given a decision in the sit-in case that whoever wants to hold a rally should do so in the parade ground so that people do not have to go through any difficult situations.
Apart from this, the Chief Justice also said that there are many people from foreign countries living in Islamabad and this may also harm the diplomatic movement, so hold a sit-in but also take care of the rights of the citizens.