The PTI Chairman Imran Khan gave a statement in the Lahore High Court and said that they tried to kill me twice, once in Wazirabad and the second time on March 18 in the judicial complex.
Let us tell you that at this time, Khan has left Lahore to appear in the Islamabad High Court, because the hearing of 9 cases against Imran Khan will be held on May 4, i.e. today.
The PTI chairman is appearing in the Islamabad High Court today because the judges have said that if he does not appear, his interim bail should be suspended in these cases.
It should be noted that Khan could not appear in the court yesterday due to swelling in his leg, so he will appear in the court today.
Before leaving to appear in the court, he said that I respect the court, that’s why I am appearing while my leg is swollen. If you don’t come to a decision, then go against the judges.
In addition, the former prime minister said that the entire nation should come out of their homes for 1 hour on May 6 to show solidarity with the Chief Justice because the mafia is behind the Chief Justice at that time and he also divided the Supreme Court.
He further said that the PDM people are flouting the constitution, elections were to be held within 90 days after the dissolution of the assembly, but these people are running away from the election.