Malala Yousafzai attended the 95th Oscar Awards 2023 ceremony for the first time, in which she also became the center of global attention.
When Malala was sitting with her husband at the event, the host asked her if she thought Harry would have spat on Chris Pine. To this, Malala Yousafzai replied and said that she only likes to talk about peace.
Along with this, the dress that Malala wore was also much talked about, in which she was seen wearing a bright gown-like dress that was floor-length, and she also wore a headscarf.
Also, Lauren designed their dress and is an American fashion designer who is very famous and also a billionaire and is known as a global billion-dollar company.
As for Malala’s dress, it was a floor-length silver gown.
Along with this, let us tell you that Malala Yousafzai could not get the Oscar award in her famous film Stranger at the Gate.